Follow-on Projects

From the “1st International Roma Women’s Congress: The Other Women”, a series of recommendations were made to policy makers and other key stakeholders, as well as identifying areas that could be developed further. After the Congress a number of European funded projects were  sought and successfully carried out.


Widening Roma women´s access to non-formal and informal learning validation systems (ROM-ACT)

Website can be viewed here:

The aim of ROM-ACT is to widen recognition of the skills and competences that the Roma community has acquired in formal and non-formal activities and to encourage centres for adult education and civil society organizations to support non-academic Roma women in their process of informal and non-formal learning validation.
ROM-ACT Vimeo page can be viewed here.
The project was co-financed by the Lifelong Learning programme, in the GRUNDTVIG Multilateral projects action.

ROM-UP! The inclusion of Roma through quality successful educational experiences

The ROM-UP! project has been implemented during one year (March 2012 – April 2013) and its major achievement has been the articulation of an international romani network formed by all the actors related to Roma children educational inclusion. This network is aimed at raising awareness of the dissemination and implementation of successful educational experiences that have already been scientifically proven to be effective in the promotion of social integration of Roma children, in terms of pursuing educational success.
The ROM-UP! Final Report can be read here.

A lifelong learning, career planning and monitoring can improve their access to the labour market and are seen as the key for their successful integration of into society. With all that in mind, the purpose of MS4ROW is to develop a comprehensive alternative mode of teaching – mentoring system for Roma women and teenage girls. The combination of the mentoring system and use of the web application will allow them to design and realize a personal educational and vocational path for each Roma teenage girl participant. The main focus will be on improving literacy and skills (reading literacy, digital literacy, financial literacy, communication skills, job-finding skills, learning techniques and social skills).
Website can be viewed here.