Some of the organisations that participated in the 1st Congress in October 2010 have continued to work by weaving a network that is becoming more and more dense and strong in projects and feelings. In this way, we begin to work on what we call the Pre-Congress, pre-meetings where we focus our ideas to give shape to the main event in March. The preparatory work takes place in each home country and is carried out in an intergenerational fashion and through dialogue with the Roma women.
If your organisation or group wants to be part of this preparatory Pre-Congress work, please get in touch with at
Dromkotar Mestipen Women Association (Spain) | |
Alternative Innovative Development (Greece) | |
Open Society Foundation (Hungary) | |
Amrita OBK Egyesület or AMRITA OBK ASSOCIATION (Hungary) website | |
Amalipe Centre for interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance (Bulgaria) | |
Slovo 21 (Czech Republic) | |
Roma Women Association in Romania (Romania) | |
Kosovo Women’s Network ( Kosovo) | |
Network of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Women’s Organizations of Kosovo (Kosovo) | |
Women Space (Serbia) | |
NVO UDRUZENJE GRADJANA “TERNIPE” Facebook Page (Serbia) Contact: Tanja Djordjevic | |
NGO Macedonia Contact: Romina Kajtazova |
Kamira (Spain) | |
Asociacion de Mujeres Gitanas Sim Romi (Spain) | |
Elpida The Roma Women’s Association of Drosero (Greece) NGO’s CV can be read here: The Roma Women’s Association of Drosero Final(June 2017) (1) |
Coordinator of the ALDE Party-Eva Christina Andersson (Sweden) |
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)– Women’s Rights Officer Anna Orsos |
Associazione ROMNI onlus (Rome, Italy) Contact: Saska Jovanovic
NGO’s CV can be read here: cv romni en 2017 (2) |
Roma Project (Coventry, UK) Bernie Flatley – Project Manager | |
Attenti A NON Ripetere (Turino, Italy) Contact: Ivana Nikolic |
Romani Cultural & Arts Company (Cardiff, Wales) Contact: Isaac Blake | |
Associazione 21 luglio (Rome, Italy) Contact: Francesca Colombo
Roma Futures (Sheffield, UK) Contact: Terezia Rostas | |