Besides activities and courses, at Drom Kotar Mestipen we also carry out personalised counseling to those Roma women who need it.

At Drom Kotar we have a partnership with Dret al Dret, a programme of the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona that provides legal advice to people and groups in vulnerable situations. Our role is to accompany these women in the referral to this service, as well as to monitor their case and give them support in everything they need.
You can find more information about Dret al Dret at:

Another of the actions that we carry out on a daily basis at the organisation is to accompany and advise those women who have doubts or needs regarding their educational process. This includes providing information about the different training itineraries available, giving support in writing reports or curriculums, and helping to obtain official codes and certificates.
In addition, when a woman comes to the organization with a problem, if we cannot help her, we look for services, resources, organizations or institutions that can adapt to her needs, and we make the referral ourselves.