
Since practically our beginnings, we have participated in European competitive calls projects, to contribute to overcoming the triple exclusion suffered by Roma women (by gender, ethnicity, and educational level).

The work carried out in some of the European projects that we have coordinated has been recognized by the European Commission through different distinctions such as the Gold Award Grundtvig, Success Story or Good Practice Example.

Coordinated European projects

Curs oficial de monitores d'activitats

Official course of monitors

Official course of monitors of children's and young people's leisure activities. Specialising in school canteens for Roma women.

Official course of monitors of children’s and young people’s leisure activities. Specialising in school canteens for Roma women.

In January 2019, 18 Roma women completed the theoretical part of the official course. They are now doing their internships in different educational centres around the city of Barcelona.


(Español) Xarxa Romnia

(Español) El proyecto Xarxa Romnia, nace de las necesidad de las mujeres participantes. Con este proyecto pretendemos orientar, asesorar y acompañar, a las mujeres que se encuentran en distintas circunstancias, facilitando el acceso a la información.

The Xarxa Romnia project was born from the needs of the participating women.

During the trajectory of our entity, there have been many cases of women who came to the association looking for answers to different situations, and in which we perceived that the information did not reach them.

With this project we intend to guide, advise and accompany women who are in different circumstances, facilitating access to information.

Roma Connect, campaing against antigypsyism

Roma Connect, is a European funded project, that bring together Roma women and girls from Greece, Romania, Hungary and Spain. The common goal is to create a campaign to combat antigypsyism and prevent discrimination and prejudices in Europe. Women in these four countries have created different videos explaining the struggles they are facing but also their accomplishments.

You can access the videos of the campaing

(Español) Recursos Xarxa Romnia

(Español) Infórmate de una compilación de recursos, ayudas y enlaces de interés en educación y en el mundo laboral.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español and Català.

(Español) Narrativas Romi

(Español) Narratives Romí, es un libro que recoge la vivencia de mujeres gitanas mayores de Cataluña, como han vivido ellas, sus familias y los diferentes acontecimientos de la historia.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español and Català.

European projects as partners


Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity” Project funded with the support of the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme- Grundtvig”.

Coordinator: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).

A step forward “Empowering young people and women from local Roma Communities”. From local Roma Communities” Largely funded through the European Commission’s DAPHNE programme (2013- 2015).
Coordinator: Amalipe.



A mentoring system for Roma women and their professional and educational path”
The MS4ROW project is a European project funded mostly through the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission (2013-2015).

Coordinator: Cik Trebnje (Slovenia).

Promoting Roma people’s access to lifelong learning, vocational training and labour market programmes through family training in primary schools” Part of the LifeLong Learning Programme. Funded with the support of the European Commission.

Gender Mainstreaming in Roma Education” LifeLong Learning Programme funded with the support of the European Commission (2013-2015).

Coordinator: Unión Romaní.

Implementing Dissemination, Empowerment, Diversity project for a more inclusive and equal society”. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission (2016-2018).

Coordinator: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).

Overcoming inequalities in schools and learning communities: innovative education for a new century Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) (2015- 2017). EU Horizon 2020.
Coordinator: Rovira i Virgili University.


“Roma Women and the Labour Market” National R&D&I Plan. Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Women’s Institute (2003-2004).

“The Creation of New Occupational Patterns for Cultural Minorities: The Gypsy Case” The project is part of the Fifth Programme of the European Commission, specifically the programme Improving the Socioeconomic Knowledge Base (2001-2004).


Mestipen Romi

“Roma women and associations in Spain. Challenges and contributions”. National R&D&I Plan. Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs/Women’s Institute (2004-2006).