Current projects

In this section you can find more information about the European projects that are currently being carried out in the Drom Kotar Mestipen, as well as those that have already been carried out.

Since practically our beginnings, we have participated in European competitive calls projects, to contribute to overcoming the triple exclusion suffered by Roma women (by gender, ethnicity, and educational level).

The work carried out in some of the European projects that we have coordinated has been recognized by the European Commission through different distinctions such as the Gold Award Grundtvig, Success Story or Good Practice Example.

Coordinated European projects


We carry out different types of activities that can be considered as structural of the association.

In Drom Kotar Mestipen we carry out different types of activities. On the one hand, we have specific activities that can be considered as structural of the association, which are organized regularly and have emerged as the core of the association. On the other hand, we have activities developed through the participation in projects at local, national and European level that allow us to continue with our lines of work, especially the promotion of the education of Roma adult women and the accreditation of the non-formal competences of Roma women with the aim of promoting their inclusion in the labor market.


The main activities organized by our association:

1. Roma Women Students Gatherings of Catalonia.
We have held 17 editions of this Gathering, with more than 205-300 women participating in the last editions. This is a space for dialogue; an annual or biannual meeting where Roma students and women meet to discuss and reflect on their education as a way to overcome the inequalities suffered by Roma women.

2. Course ofmonitors of leisure activities for children and young people.
This course is accredited by the General Directorate of Youth of the Generalitat de Catalunya and is carried out for Roma women. It is free of charge and aims at the labor inclusion of Roma women without academic qualifications. In addition, it allows Roma students to have them as role models within their own schools.

3. International Congresses of Roma Women
In its first edition, grassroots Roma women from more than 15 countries discussed how to overcoming the triple exclusion they suffer and laid the foundations for the implementation of international actions and projects to overcoming it. At the same time, we are working hand in hand with a network of European entities, in the celebration next in 2018 of the II International Congress.; in which grassroots Roma women will return to debate and decide on the issues that most interest and concern them today.

“Roma inclusion through successful quality educational experiences”. Funded with the support of the European Commission in the framework of the LifeLong Learning Programme (2012-2013).
Coordinator: Drom Kotar Mestipen.

Roma Women Student Gathering of Catalonia

A space that was created with the ultimate goal of finding solutions around school drop-out and truancy of young Roma girls.

This is one of the most successful activities of Drom Kotar Mestipen: the Roma Women Students Gatherings (girls and women of different ages).

A space that was created with the purpose of discussing the issues previously proposed by the local organisers and the member associations, with the ultimate goal of finding solutions around school drop-out and truancy of young Roma girls.

More info



“Educational materials for adults: the Roma community” Funded by the European Union Socrates Programme Grundtvig Action 1 (2005-2007).
Coordinator: Drom Kotar Mestipen.

“The dream lives on”

On 28 January 2017, the Roma Women's Pre-Congress was held in Barcelona with the support of the Integral Plan for the Roma People (PIPG) of the Government of Catalonia.

On 28 January 2017, the Roma Women’s Pre-Congress was held in Barcelona with the support of the Integral Plan for the Roma People (PIPG) of the Government of Catalonia. More than five international organisations and four national organisations took part in this meeting with the aim of working together for the 2nd International Congress.

At the pre-congress, preparations began for the 2nd International Roma Women’s Congress: Les Altres Dones (The Other Women), which will be held on 14 and 15 December 2017. We have the presence of Mr. Ramón Vilchez, representative of the PIPG, who recognises and supports the importance of the role of Roma women.

The associations that participated were from Greece, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ireland, Germany and Spain. All of them contributed ideas and highlighted the importance of highlighting good practices that are carried out in each of their countries. More than 40 women from the following associations took part: Associació Amalipe Center (Bulgària), PaveePoint (Ireland), Nicoleta Bitu, President of the Democratic Roma Federation (Romania) and Oana Ionita the President del Romani Women Forum (Romania), Roma Center Pozega (Serbia), the Association of Roma Women Kamira (Córdoba), Sim Romí (Bilbao), Associació de Dones Romí (Granada) and Romani Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen.

The main reference point of this Pre-Congress was the lines of work that emerged from the 1st International Roma Women’s Congress (2010), i.e. to bring together grassroots women who have never had the opportunity to include their voices in the public debate; Roma feminism; education; and the labour market. At the meeting, it was decided that the 2nd Congress would create spaces for reflection and flexibility where a dialogic space could be created to deepen the different topics.


The objectives of the 2nd International Roma Women’s Congress are:

  1. To promote a positive image of the Roma people, and of Roma women, by raising awareness of the situations of discrimination and overcoming that they are experiencing in order to make visible the solutions and contributions that are already being developed and that are achieving good results.
  2. To go deeper into gender inequality and promote gender equality and joint work between Roma men and women in order to build a more egalitarian society.
    Expand, strengthen and develop a Roma women’s network that promotes the dissemination of practices that help to overcome situations of inequality.
  3. Strengthen a Roma women’s network with other networks or groups in order to multiply the work of raising awareness and knowledge of the Roma people in general and Roma women in particular.
  4. To break the silence in the face of situations of gender violence and promote a peaceful and enriching coexistence between men and women.
    Spreading and extending the Roma women’s vision.

“The 2nd Congress will give a voice to Roma women who have traditionally been excluded from public debate. That is why in the pre-congress we talked about how to reach more women who have not had this opportunity.

In conclusion, the pre-conference was the first step towards achieving participation and dialogue between Roma women in Europe. Our aim is to contribute ideas for the promotion and improvement of the lives of all Roma women.

In this way, we will explain to society as a whole our collective and supportive challenge, both as women and as Roma”.

(Español) rtransform

(Español) El proyecto rtransform nace del primer Congreso Internacional de Mujeres Gitanas, realizado por la entidad en el 2010, compartimos con las más de 300 mujeres gitanas allí presentes, los Encuentros de Estudiantes Gitanas de Cataluña y el impacto de éstos. Este proyecto está llevando las "Trobadas" a distintos puntos de Europa, Hungría, Grecia, Bulgaria y Reino Unido, obteniendo gran impacto en las mujeres, niñas e incluso a nivel político.

European projects as partners


Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity” Project funded with the support of the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme- Grundtvig”.

Coordinator: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).

A step forward “Empowering young people and women from local Roma Communities”. From local Roma Communities” Largely funded through the European Commission’s DAPHNE programme (2013- 2015).
Coordinator: Amalipe.



A mentoring system for Roma women and their professional and educational path”
The MS4ROW project is a European project funded mostly through the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission (2013-2015).

Coordinator: Cik Trebnje (Slovenia).

Promoting Roma people’s access to lifelong learning, vocational training and labour market programmes through family training in primary schools” Part of the LifeLong Learning Programme. Funded with the support of the European Commission.

Gender Mainstreaming in Roma Education” LifeLong Learning Programme funded with the support of the European Commission (2013-2015).

Coordinator: Unión Romaní.

Implementing Dissemination, Empowerment, Diversity project for a more inclusive and equal society”. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission (2016-2018).

Coordinator: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).

Overcoming inequalities in schools and learning communities: innovative education for a new century Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) (2015- 2017). EU Horizon 2020.
Coordinator: Rovira i Virgili University.


“Roma Women and the Labour Market” National R&D&I Plan. Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Women’s Institute (2003-2004).

“The Creation of New Occupational Patterns for Cultural Minorities: The Gypsy Case” The project is part of the Fifth Programme of the European Commission, specifically the programme Improving the Socioeconomic Knowledge Base (2001-2004).


Mestipen Romi

“Roma women and associations in Spain. Challenges and contributions”. National R&D&I Plan. Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs/Women’s Institute (2004-2006).