Current projects

In this section you can find more information about the European projects that are currently being carried out in the Drom Kotar Mestipen, as well as those that have already been carried out.

Since practically our beginnings, we have participated in European competitive calls projects, to contribute to overcoming the triple exclusion suffered by Roma women (by gender, ethnicity, and educational level).

The work carried out in some of the European projects that we have coordinated has been recognized by the European Commission through different distinctions such as the Gold Award Grundtvig, Success Story or Good Practice Example.

Coordinated European projects

Participation spaces

Our Association also works in networks and participates in different organizations related to the Roma community.

Our Association also works in networks and participates in different organizations related to the Roma community, adult education and the fight against gender violence at regional, national and European levels.

Some of these organizations in which DromKotar Mestipen participates are:

  • Pla Integral del Poble Gitano a Catalunya promoted by the Departament de Benestar Social i Família de la Generalitat de Catalunya and specifically within the administration as part of the working groups of Women and Education and as members of its Advisory Council.
  • Federació d’Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (FACEPA) – Consell Municipal del Poble Gitano de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, both in the permanent commission and in the work commissions.
  • Centre d’Estudis Gitanos de la UB, in the Assessor Council.
  • Intergroup of the Roma People of the Parliament of Catalonia.


Apart from these groups, Drom Kotar Mestipen has participated as a collaborating institution in other European projects and Spanish projects.

At the national level:

Drom Kotar Mestipen is a member of KAMIRA, a Federation of Roma women from Córdoba, Spain. The collaboration has become stronger during the last years, especially with the work of empowering Roma women, and the concern of how to deal with gender violence and human trafficking, which also affects greatly the Roma communities.

At the European level:

Drom Kotar Mestipen is an invited member of three recognized organizations active at the European level, where in each of them the voices of grassroots Romani women are carried.

  • The International Romani Women Network (IRWN)
  • European Women’s Lobby
  • EU Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human beings

(Español) Romí Prevent contra la violencia de género

(Español) El proyecto Romí Prevent, pretende hacer llegar a las mujeres gitanas los recursos y servicios, que existen para las víctimas de violencia de género, además de recoger las necesidades de las mujeres gitanas y las propuestas de  mejora, para hacerlas llegar a esos espacios.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español and Català.

Premios europeos


We have been awarded several prizes for our work and the social impact we have generated.

We have been awarded several prizes for our work and the social impact we have generated.

  • Award granted by the jury of the XX March 8th Maria Aurèlia Capmany Award – Intergenerational Dialogue 2006. Barcelona City Council.
  • Francesc Macià Plaque 2005. Recognition of the role of the organization in the field of improving the employment of Roma women. Generalitat de Catalunya. Department of Labor and Industry.
  • Equity Award – difference between men and women 2002 for the best social innovation project, obtained jointly with the FACEPA women’s group and the Heura women’s group. Catalan Women’s Institute
  • Sucessful story of the ROM-ACT project (Expanding Roma women’s access to non-formal and informal validation systems) by the European Commission. The said project was coordinated by Drom Kotar Mestipen from January 2013 until December 2014.
  • Sucessful story of the OED (Outreach, Empowerment and Diversity) project by the European Commission. Drom Kotar has participated as a partner in this project from December 2012 to November 2014. Currently, the association is part of the second part of the project, ImplOED, which consists of the implementation of the first part.

Final Conference European Project Roma Connect

You can see the videos of the anti-Gypsyism campaing   click here

On October 8, we held the final conference of the Roma Connect project at the Saló de Cent in Barcelona.

Two years ago, Roma women from Hungary, Greece, Romania, and Spain united to create a campaign featuring videos of real testimonies. These videos were shared on social media with the aim of reaching as many people as possible to raise awareness about the effects of anti-Gypsyism.



The Food Bank of Barcelona is also launching new programs to facilitate access to food for the most vulnerable people.


Food Bank
The Food Bank of Barcelona is also launching new programs to facilitate access to food for the most vulnerable people, since the beginning of the confinement has already distributed almost 900 thousand kgs.
The organization works every day to implement new initiatives since the requests for food aid from social organizations are constantly growing.

How to receive food aid? Click here

Càritas catalunya

The organization remains active during the year to continue supporting the most fragile individuals and families, mainly through and families, mainly essential services.
Càrites adapts its social action to the new exceptional measures generated by the *Covid-19.
The organization has set up a single telephone number to attend to all emergencies (especially basic needs such as food and shelter).

(especially basic needs such as food or housing): 900 921 810. Click here


Is there any help to pay for housing rent?
Is there any affectation for the payment of mortgages?
How does the current situation affect the eviction procedure of the rental housing where I live?
All the information on these questions, and many more, in this link: Click here


Are you self-employed?
Are you unable to go out to work due to the current health crisis?
Has your income been drastically reduced?
Tutorial guide on how to apply for assistance for self-employed people economically affected by the coronavirus. Click here

You will also find more information about workers and companies in this link: Click here

General information
What is the Coronavirus? What are the reasons to stay at home? How to disinfect the house? How to deal with the children? What can I do if I feel sick?….
It is very important to have knowledge about Covid-19 and the current situation. In the following link you will find all the necessary information updated by the Generalitat.
Click here

In this document you can find all the telephones and webs of interest. COVID19_TelèfonsiWebs_PIPG_CATALUNYA

You can also watch this video of questions and answers with professionals and gypsy students from the health field about Covid-19. Click here

Mental health
During confinement it is easy to generate negative thoughts and emotions, and taking care of mental health is very important. This web application, created by the Generalitat, can help you to support you during this difficult period.

Click this link to access

Prevention of gender-based violence during confinement

In the context of confinement we ask to be attentive to the situation of women who may be suffering #MachistaViolence.
Are you suffering from gender-based violence?

The situation experienced by women who suffer male violence is exacerbated during the state of alarm. For this reason, l’Institut Català de les dones and entities reinforce the resources of attention to the victims. Check the services offered by the departments of the Generalitat, local authorities and organizations.

Posters PrevencionViolenciaGenero – link

Project Funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2017-2019)

The objectives of the project were to contribute to the increase of the social inclusion of young Roma women in Europe, based on the creation of an…

European projects as partners


Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity” Project funded with the support of the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme- Grundtvig”.

Coordinator: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).

A step forward “Empowering young people and women from local Roma Communities”. From local Roma Communities” Largely funded through the European Commission’s DAPHNE programme (2013- 2015).
Coordinator: Amalipe.



A mentoring system for Roma women and their professional and educational path”
The MS4ROW project is a European project funded mostly through the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission (2013-2015).

Coordinator: Cik Trebnje (Slovenia).

Promoting Roma people’s access to lifelong learning, vocational training and labour market programmes through family training in primary schools” Part of the LifeLong Learning Programme. Funded with the support of the European Commission.

Gender Mainstreaming in Roma Education” LifeLong Learning Programme funded with the support of the European Commission (2013-2015).

Coordinator: Unión Romaní.

Implementing Dissemination, Empowerment, Diversity project for a more inclusive and equal society”. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission (2016-2018).

Coordinator: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).

Overcoming inequalities in schools and learning communities: innovative education for a new century Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) (2015- 2017). EU Horizon 2020.
Coordinator: Rovira i Virgili University.


“Roma Women and the Labour Market” National R&D&I Plan. Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Women’s Institute (2003-2004).

“The Creation of New Occupational Patterns for Cultural Minorities: The Gypsy Case” The project is part of the Fifth Programme of the European Commission, specifically the programme Improving the Socioeconomic Knowledge Base (2001-2004).


Mestipen Romi

“Roma women and associations in Spain. Challenges and contributions”. National R&D&I Plan. Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs/Women’s Institute (2004-2006).